Two hikers were stuck on the side of the mountain at caves at El Escorpian Park in West Hills. They were hiking down the mountain when the sun set and they could no longer see in-front of them. They were found standing above a 100 foot sheer cliff unable to get down. Firefighters were able to find the two hikers and conducted a hoist operation and were able to safely rescue the two hikers and bring them to safety. Hiker Rescue; INC#1313; 07:27PM; 6800 Sunset Ridge Ct;; West Hills; Firefighters located the two (in their 20s) hikers who were not injured, only stuck in a precarious location. LAFD Air Ops (no hoist rescue required) will pick up the two hikers and relocate them so firefighters can assist them in returning to their private transportation. 9-1-1 call received at 6:31PM. No further details. ; FS 105; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 12; BC17 E105 E288 E293 E305 E88 H1 H3 HA1 HA3 RA105 RA84 RH114 T105 T88 T93 UR88; CH8; 17; Margaret Stewart